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Health is the greatest possession
~Lao Tzu
Acupuncture & Research
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Acupuncture "remains the most common form of traditional medicine practice." After extensive research, the WHO now recommends Acupuncture for over 100 conditions, listing 28 conditions for which acupuncture was ‘proven through controlled trials to be an effective treatment and for remaining conditions it was shown to have a ‘therapeutic effect’.
Acupuncture can be traced back nearly 2000 years and is a fundamental aspect of Chinese Medicine. It is a form of treatment in which fine needles are inserted in specific Acupuncture points of the body. The basis of the philosophy is that our health is dependent upon the flow of energy (‘Qi’) . Qi consists of the equal but opposite qualities "Yin and Yang" . When these become imbalanced and Qi does not flow freely, illness may result. Several factors could contribute to this imbalance such as stress, poor diet and injuries. Acupuncture aims to restore this balance: to restablish the flow of Qi and kick start the natural healing response of the body.
For more information on Acupuncture research please click here.